If you have any questions about our products,
please contact the following Email address:
please contact the following Email address:
Or call our Support Hotline directly:
(*costs: 0,14 €/minute within the german fixed line network
max. 0,42 €/minute within the german cellular network)
The support hotline is available Mon-Fri from 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 a.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.!
Please use the search field below if you are looking for software, drivers or other downloads relating to our products.
Technaxx Easy Security Camera Set TX-28
- Anleitung Kamera mit Monitor koppeln
- Bedienungsanleitung TX-28
- beiliegende Software, mit WINRAR entpacken
- Einrichtungsvideo Tx-28
- My_Secure App_Android
- SIP Cam
- SipCam + Kurzanleitung in Bildern
- Technaxx My Secure fuer Windows Juli 2015
- Treiber fuer die Verbindung zwischen den TX-28 und PC Software My Secure!
- TX-28_ASF Video Dateien abspielen